Winter was late, but when it finally arrived, it was spectacular! the snow arrived on Sunday 24 July and we were warned, so grocery shopping was done on Saturday.
Monday and Tuesday I could not get to work (a bit too far to walk), but Lisa and Willem did walk in to the office. By Wednesday the snow on the roads up our end of the hill had started melting and then froze again, so everything was extremely slippery. Buses and taxis hesitated to venture near us at first, but we finally got a bus down the hill, still unable to move the car from the driveway.
Willem stacking wood on Sunday while the snow sifts down gently. |
On Saturday morning we had a load of chopped wood delivered - just in time for the frosty weather! Monday was a beautiful day - the snow was soft and powdery and even though it was still snowing from time to time, the kids came out to play on their sleds and skis and families went to play in the snow on the nearby golf course. So on Monday afternoon while stacking wood, people were constantly passing our house and it struck me how happy everyone was! Nobody complained of the cold, all were having fun, and strangers started chatting and telling of the wonderful time they are having!
So, New Zealand, I shall never again believe anybody who complains of the cold. It is fun, and it is exhilarating!
Our car, in front of our house. |
Our street. |
Back yard with flowering Rhododendron. |