Yesterday, Monday 3 January 2011, was a lovely sunny day in Dunedin. We were pottering around the home and suddenly decided we need to get out and do something special before the day is done. So at 3 pm we hopped in the car, intent on getting tea and scones at Carey's Bay Hotel. Well, we had the tea, but since it was a public holiday there was not a scone or cake of any description in sight, What a disappointment!
Carey's Bay Hotel. |
All was tranquil in Carey's Bay with fishing boats moored.
Carey's Bay. |
Then we decided to go to the Port Chalmers lookout point. We've been there once before, but many years ago. From the top of the hill one gets a lovely view of the port, where ships were taking on cargo.
Port Chalmers. |
We were absolutely fascinated watching how the Sea Glory was being loaded with logs.
Step 1: The yellow tractors grab a load of logs from the yard.
Tractors pick up logs. |
Step 2: Tractor deposits load in a cradle next to the ship, then two smaller tractors with flat pushing plates come along and make sure the logs are neatly aligned.
Logs being aligned by smaller green and yellow tractors. |
Step 3: Two chaps come along with a scanner, probably to record details of the load, and fix the cables of the crane around the load.
Scanning the logs and fixing the cables. |
Step 4: Hoisting the logs onto the ship. On board tractors tidy up the logs neatly on the deck.
Hoisting logs onto the ship. |
From the lookout point one can access the Hotere Garden, where five of Ralph Hotere's sculptures are on permanent display. Here's the view towards Quarantine Island and the peninsula, with one of Ralph Hotere's sculptures in the foreground. Yes, that's a naked guy standing on his head - literally on his head because he does not have arms.
Ralph Hotere sculpture and view to Quarantine Island. |
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