
Sweat Peas

Last year before September Lisa bought a packet of Sweat Pea seeds from a friendly neighbour and her children who knocked on the door for some school fund-raising effort. I've been meaning to plant the seeds, but as with many good intentions this took a while to become reality.

Eventually the seeds were planted and we eagerly watched them growing, carefully staking them up and guiding their wee tendrils into the trellis so they can hold on tight. And they grew... and they grew... and they grew... and I wonder where this is going to end?

The stalks are over 2 meters tall already and there is no sign of slowing down. I hope they don't all come crashing down as the flowers develop and become heavier up top - the stalks have outgrown the trellis, then the canes I fastened to the trellis, and now they are taller than the cane supports, so there is nowhere for the top tendril to grip. They are doing their best to hang onto the glass of the window, but I fear that's not going to work too well.

We are enjoying the view from inside the lounge:

And of course, what a pleasure it is to have a vase full of sweat peas in the house!


Anonymous said...

Wow, I had no idea they got so big! Must be super mutant sweat peas. Glad they were able to entertain you! xo

Leta said...

And they've not stopped growing yet! I think the next big wind's going to blow the whole lot down...